Published Papers


Since 1991 the Society has sponsored the “Rahner Papers” in a special issue of Philosophy and Theology: Marquette University JournalFor information about how to submit an essay for publication, see the style sheet.


2023 (35:1-2)

  • Michael Canaris, “Tilling as an Ecclesiological ‘Exercise’: An Ignatian Reading of Richard Lennan’s New Book”;
  • Benjamin Dahlke, “Karl Rahner (1904-1984) in the USA: Appropriation and Continuation of His Theology”;
  • Peter Joseph Fritz, “Review Essay: Renewing Theology: Ignatian Spirituality and Karl Rahner, Ignacio Ellacuría, and Karl Rahner, by J. Matthew Ashley”;
  • Karl Rahner,  “The Foundations of a Theory of Knowledge with Joseph Maréchal,” translated by Andrew Barrette;
  • Mary Beth Yount, “Uplifting Voices for Transformation and Tilling the Church.”

2022 (34:1-2) — No Rahner Papers

2021 (33:1-2)

  • Thomas F. O’Meara, 101-112.  The Presence of Grace in People: Graham Greene and Karl Rahner.
  • Brandon R. Peterson, 113-137.  Rahner and the Cross: What Kind of Atoning Story Does He Tell?
  • Madeline Jarrett, 139-157.  Bodies of Hope: Temporality, Disability, and the God of Uncontrollable Mystery.
  • Robert E. Doud, 159-173.  Rahner’s Idea of Freedom in Selected Secondary Literature.
  • Erin Kidd, 175-196.  Karl Rahner’s Theology of the Body.

2020 (32:1-2)

  • Robert L. Masson, 245-249.  Origins of the Karl Rahner Society.
  • Mark F. Fischer, 251-264.  The Karl Rahner Society in the Twenty-First Century (1998-2019).
  • Mark F. Fischer, 265-282.  Karl Rahner’s Work on the Assumption of Mary into Heaven.
  • Stanislau Paulau, 2830289.  A Search for Traces: Karl Rahner in the USSR.  Translated by Thomas F. O’Meara. 
  • Richard Penaskovic, 291-314.  Karl Rahner at Vatican II: An Appreciation.

2019 (31:1-2)

  • Thomas F. O’Meara, 167-173.  Carl Rogers and Karl Rahner.
  • Jakob Karl Rinderknecht, 175-197.  Another World Is Present: Rahner’s Theology of the Church after Failure.
  • David A. Stosur, 199-222.  Rahner’s “Liturgy of the World” as Hermeneutic of Another World that Is Possible.
  • Grace Mariette Agolia, 223-249.  Words into Silence.
  • Mark F. Fischer, 251-254.  Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2018 (30:2)

  • Andreas R. Batlogg, 503-506.  Church Father of the Twentieth Century.
  • Michael Rubbeke, 507-529.  Reading Rahner’s Evolutionary Christology with Bonaventure
  • Jean-Pierre Fortin, 531-548.  Self-Transcendence and Union in Christ: Karl Rahner’s Eucharistic Theology of Creation.
  • Sarah A. Thomas, 549-573.  Karl Rahner’s THeology of Love in Dialogue with Social Psychology and Neuroscience.
  • Brent Little, 575-600.  An Anonymous Christian along the Ganges?  Grace and Symbol in Rahner’s Theology and Endo’s Deep River.
  • Mark F. Fischer, 601-603.  Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2017 (29:2)

  • Matthew Petrusek, 433-460. Making the Fundamental Option Fully Free: How Human Capabilities Help Clarify Rahner’s Conception of Justice.
  • Jerry Farmer, 461-483. Dignitatis Humanae and the Pneumatology of K. Rahner.
  • Judith Wolfe, Gesa Thiessen, Robert Masson, Mark Fischer, Peter Joseph Fritz, 485-506. Review Symposium: Four Perspectives on Karl Rahner’s Theological Aesthetics, by Peter Joseph Fritz, followed by a Response from the Author.
  • Richard Penaskovic, 507-511. Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2016 (28:2)

  • Howard Ebert, 493-512, The Social Nature of the Sensus Fidei in the Thought of Karl Rahner.
  • Mark F. Fischer, 513-525, The Soteriologies of Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar.
  • Ashley Logsdon, 527-525, Karl Rahner and Stephen Jay Gould on the Conflict between Faith and Science.
  • Richard Penaskovic, 543-544, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2015 (27:2)

  • Catherine E. Clifford, 459-475. Christian Unity: A Real Possibility in the 21st Century?
  • Richard Lennan, 477-492. Truth, Context, and Unity: Karl Rahner’s Ecumenical Theology
  • Jill Raitt, 493-498. Is Church Unity Possible Today?
  • Brandon R. Peterson, 499-512. Karl Rahner on Patristic Theology and Spirituality.
  • Matthew Petrusek, 513-538. The Relevance of Karl Rahner’s View of Human Dignity for the Catholic Social Thought Tradition.
  • Richard Penaskovic, 539-542.  Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2014 (26:2)

  • Richard Shields, 345-364. Karl Rahner’s Theological Project: A Response to R. R. Reno.
  • Nancy Dallavalle, 365-382. Gender Issues in the Light of Rahner’s Theological Perspective.
  • Mark F. Fischer, 383-395. Karl Rahner’s Transcendental Christology.
  • Richard Penaskovic, 397-398. Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2013 (25:2)

  • Richard Lennan, 249-270. “Narcissistic Aestheticism”?: An Assessment of Karl Rahner’s Sacramental Ecclesiology.
  • Shannon Craigo-Snell, 271-274. Rahner’s Mission: A Response to Richard Lennan
  • Robert Lassalle-Klein, 275-299. Ignacio Ellacuría’s Rahnerian Fundamental Theology for a Global Church.
  • Ann R. Riggs, 301-309. Rahner beyond the Pyrenees: Response to Lassalle-Klein.
  • Pamela McCann, 311-335. Karl Rahner and the Sensus Fidelium.
  • Eugene R. Schlesinger, 337-360. Sacramental Efficacy in Karl Rahner and Cognitive Linguistics.
  • Richard Penaskovic, 361-364. Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2012 (24:2)

  • Peter Joseph Fritz, 297-311, Between Center and Periphery: Mary and the Saints in Rahner.
  • Leo J. O’Donovan, 313-330, In All Seasons: Karl Rahner on All the Saints.
  • Ann R. Riggs, 331-332, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2011 (23:2)

  • Richard Penaskovic, 283-300, A Prophetic Voice: Karl Rahner on the Future of the Church
  • Shannon Craigo-Snell, 301-315, Kairos in the Chronos: A Rahnerian View
  • Peter Joseph Fritz, 317-332, “I Am, of Course, No Prophet”: Rahner’s Modest Eschatological Remark
  • Ann R. Riggs, 333-335, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2010 (22:1-2)

  • Stephen Bullivant, 339-351, The Myth of Rahnerian Exceptionalism: Edward Schillebeeckx’s “Anonymous Christians”
  • Heidi Russell, 353-372, Efficacious and Sufficient Grace: God’s One Offer of Self-Communication as Accepted or Rejected
  • Jessica M. Murdoch, 373-387, Overcoming the Foundationalist/Nonfoundationalist Divide: Karl Rahner’s Transcendental Hermeneutics
  • Mark F. Fischer, 389-404, Rahner’s “New Christology” in Foundations of Christian Faith
  • Ann R. Riggs, 405-407, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2009 (21:2) – No Rahner Papers.

2008 (20:1-2)

  • Theodore Kepes, Jr., 269-290, Toward a Unified Vision: The Integration of Christian Theology and Evolution in Karl Rahner’s Understanding of Matter and Spirit  
  • Larry Chapp, 291-305, The Primal Experience of Being in the Thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar: A Response to Theodore Kepes, Jr.  
  • Thomas M. Beaudoin, 307-329, Engaging Foucault with Rahner: Sketching an Asymptotic Relationship  
  • Thomas F. O’Meara, 331-329, Karl Rahner’s “Remarks on the Schema, ‘De Ecclesia in Mundo Hujus Temporis,’ in the Draft of May 28, 1965”  
  • Ann R. Riggs, 341-343, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2007 (19:1-2)

  • Barbara K. Sain, 301-322, Expression in the Theo-Logic: Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Manifestation of Divine Truth in the World  
  • James K. Voiss, 323-329, A Response to Dr. Barbara Sain’s “Expression in the Theo-Logic”: “Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Manifestation of Divine Truth in the World”  
  • Terrance W. Klein, 331-345, A Liturgy of Return: Symbol as Life-Giving in Literature and Theology  
  • Andreas R. Batlogg, 347-354, Karl Rahner’s Sämtliche Werke: A New Revised and Edited Collection of His Writings; A Major Project of Lasting Significance?  
  • Ann R. Riggs, 355-357, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2006 (18:2)

  • Dennis Edwards, 357-383, Resurrection of the Body and Transformation of the Universe in the Theology of Karl Rahner  
  • Peter C. Phan, 385-392, Cosmology, Ecology, Pneumatology: A Reading of Denis Edwards’s Interpretation of Karl Rahner’s Eschatology  
  • Karl Rahner, 393-399, Faith: The Highest Achievement of Human Reason  
  • Ann R. Riggs, 401-402, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2005 (17:2)

  • Richard Lennan, 233-258, Faith in Context: Rahner on the Possibility of Belief  
  • Terrence W. Tilley, 259-277, What Kind of Faith Is Possible in Our Contexts?  Or “Don’t Talk of Love.  Show Me.  Show Me. . . . Show Me Now.”  
  • Nancy A. Dallavalle, 279-291, Cosmos and Ecclesia: A Response to Richard Lennan  
  • Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., 293-302, Memories Before the Mystery: In Tribute to Karl Rahner (1904-1984)  
  • Ann R. Riggs, 303-306, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page.

2004 (16:2)

  • Susan Abraham, 115-129, The Caress of the Doer of the Word: A Postcolonial Critique of Miguel Díaz’s On Being Human  
  • Michael H. Barnes, 131-140, Miguel Díaz’s On Being Human: Popular Religion and Karl Rahner  
  • Conrad T. Gromada, 141-150, An Appreciation and a Critique in a Discussion of On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian Perspectives, by Miguel Díaz  
  • Miguel Díaz, 151-162, A Critical Reading, Appreciation, and Assessment of Responses to On Being Human  
  • Heinrich Fries, 163-193, Theological Method according to John Henry Newman and Karl Rahner, translated by Thomas F. O’Meara  
  • Ann R. Riggs, 195-196, Rahner Papers Editor’s Page

2003 (15)

  • Ann R. Riggs, 5-25, Rahner and Wittgenstein: An Attempt at Conversation  
  • Terrance W. Klein, 27-48, The Forge of Language  
  • Stephen Fields, SJ, 49-75, Rahner and the Symbolism of Language  
  • Carmichael Peters 77-102, A Rahnerian Reading of Black Rage  
  • Bryan N. Massingale 103-115, Anger and Human Transcendence: A Response to “A Rahnerian Reading of Black Rage”  
  • Brian F. Linnane 117-143, Rahner’s Fundamental Option and Virtue Ethics

2002 (14: 1 & 2)

  • Daniel T. Pekarske, Abstracts of Karl Rahner’s Theological Investigations 1-23.

2001 (13:2)

  • John F. Perry, S.J. 339-361, Ripalda and Rahner: 400 Years of Jesuit Reflection on Universal Salvation  
  • David Coffey 363-398, The Spirit of Christ as Entelechy,  
  • William A. Clark, S.J. 399-424, The Authority of Local Church Communities: Perspectives from the Ecclesiology of Karl Rahner  
  • Conrad T. Gromada, 425-436, How Would Karl Rahner Respond to “Dominus Iesus”?

2000 vol. 12/1

  • Mary E. Hines, 111-130, Karl Rahner on Development of Doctrine: How Relevant Is Rahner Today  
  • Paul G. Crowley, S.J., 131-154. Rahner, Doctrine and Ecclesial Pluralism 
  • Richard Lennan, 155-185, Rahner’s Theology of the Priesthood and the Development of Doctrine  
  • Dennis O’Brien, 187-211, Sex before God: The Body of Prayer  
  • Yves Congar, O.P., 213-219, Loving Openness toward Every Truth: A Letter from Thomas Aquinas to Karl Rahner

1998 vol. 11/1

  • Robert Masson, 103-104, Introducing the Annual Rahner Papers
  •  Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J., 105-124, Two Sons of Ignatius: Drama and Dialectic  
  • William V. Dych, 125-146, Karl Rahner’s Theology of Eucharist  
  • Peter Casarella, 147-177, Analogia Donationis: Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Eucharist  
  • Jack Bonsor, 179-190, Teaching Rahner: Why and How  
  • Thomas F. O’Meara, 191-205, Teaching Karl Rahner  
  • Carmichael Peters, 207-217, On Teaching Karl Rahner to Undergraduates

1996 vol. 10

  • Benedict M. Ashley, O.P. Fundamental Option and/or Commitment to Ultimate End.  
  • Timothy E. O’Connell. The Question of Grundentscheidung.  
  • Jean Porter. Moral Language and the Language of Grace: The Fundamental Option and the Virtue of Charity.  
  • Brian Linnane. Categorical and Transcendental Experience in Rahner’s Theology: Implications for Ethics.  
  • Timothy P. Muldoon. Germain Grisez on Karl Rahner’s Theory of Fundamental Option.  
  • David Coffey. Rahner’s Theology of Fundamental Option.  
  • Jean Porter. Response to Brian Linnane and David Coffey.  
  • Pamela Kirk. Reflections on Luise Rinser’s “Gratwanderung.”

1995 vol. 9

  • Crowley, Paul, S.J. Rahner’s Christian Pessimism: The Problem of Perplexity. 151-76.  
  • Kelly, David F. Karl Rahner and Genetic Engineering: The Use of Theological Principles in Moral Analysis. 177-200.  
  • Kelly, Geffrey B.  ‘Unconscious Christianity’ and the ‘Anonymous Christian’ in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Karl Rahner.  117-49.  
  • Krieg, Robert A.  A Fortieth-Anniversary Reappraisal of ‘Chalcedon: End or Beginning?’. 77-116.  
  • Leijssen, Lambert. Rahner’s Contribution to the Renewal of Sacramentology. 201-22.  
  • Michalski, Melvin. Karl Rahner Society Bulletin, No. 4. 237-43.

1993 vol. 8

  • Doud, Robert E. Matter and God in Rahner and Whitehead. 63-82.  
  • Ebert, Howard. 1993. Immutability of God: Metaphysical Inconsistency or Essential Grounding for Human Transcendence. 41-62.  
  • Fields, Stephen. 1993. Blondel’s L’Action (1893) and Neo-Thomism’s Metaphysics of Symbol. 25-40.  
  • Guarino, Thomas G. 1993. Rahner, Popper and Kuhn: A Note on Some Critical Parallels in Science and Theology. 83-90.  
  • Michalski, Melvin. 1993. Karl Rahner Society Newsletter.  91-98.  
  • Nilson, Jon. 1993. The Unity of the Churches: Actual Possibility or Eschatological Actuality.  3-24.

1992 vol. 7

  • DiNoia, Joseph A. Nature, Grace, and Experience: Karl Rahner’s Theology of Human Transformation. 115-26.
  • Maher, Mary V.  Rahner on the Human Experience of God: Idealist Tautology or Christian Theology? 127-64.
  • Michalski, Melvin. Karl Rahner Society Newsletter. 226-28.
  • Sachs, John R. Transcendental Method in Theology and the Normativity of Human Experience. 213-25.
  • Tallon, Andrew.  The Experience of Grace in Relation to Rahner’s Philosophy of the Heart. 165-83.
  • Thompson, William. Word and Spirit, Hermeneutics and Transcendental Method: Exploring Their Connection in Karl Rahner. 185-212.
  • Masson, Robert, Andy Tallon, and Ann Riggs. Annual Update of Bibliography of Rahner Secondary Literature: 1992. 229-43.

1991 vol. 6

  • Buckley, James J.  Adjudicating Conflicting Christologies. 117-35.


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