
Saemtliche Werke


Collected Works
The collected works of Rahner in the German language have been published in the Sämtliche Werke edition.  For an overview as of early 2009 by Andreas R. Batlogg and Albert Raffelt, see the essay entitled Ein Lebenswerk erschlossen : Zum Stand der Edition Sämtliche Werke Karl Rahners.

Comprehensive Bibliographies
Dr. Albert Raffelt at the University of Freiburg has put together a comprehensive bibliography of Rahner with information about his works and the secondary literature about them.

The Karl-Rahner-Archiv, München, under the direction of Pater Dr. Andreas R. Batlogg SJ, is dedicated to preserving Rahner’s literary legacy. Father Thomas F. O’Meara, OP, the William K. Warren Professor of Theology Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame, gave the 2011 Rahner Lecture entitled “The American Rahner: The Influence of a German Theologian on US Catholicism.”

Website: Rahner and the Bible
The University of Innsbruck has launched a website about Karl Rahner and the Bible.  Prof. Dr. George Fischer SJ and Dr. Benedikt Collinet are the curators.

Marquette Texts
Daniel Pekarske, SDS, published  Abstracts of Karl Rahner’s Unserialized Essays in 2009 (Marquette Studies in Theology, no. 60).  Apart from the Theological Investigations, it summarizes essays by Rahner that were collected in 45 individual volumes.  The new volume follows Pekarske’s Abstracts of Rahner’s Theological Investigations (Marquette, 2002).  Rahner’s Spirit in the World & Hearer of the Word are available on computer disks from Marquette University Press.

Theological Investigations
The complete text of Rahner’s 23-volume Theological Investigations is now available in PDF format, published to mark Rahner’s centenary in 2004.  The publisher is Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland, and you can purchase it for at “The Way — Ignatian Book Service” in Oxford, England.

Audio-Visual Lectures

Father Richard Lennan, Professor of Systematic Theology and Chair of the Ecclesiastical Faculty at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry has published twelve lectures entitled “Karl Rahner: Theologian of Grace” in DVD, CD, and MP3 format.

Ignatius, and Sermons, Prayers, and Essays
Dr. Annemarie S. Kidder has recently published Rahner’s Ignatius of Loyola Speaks (St. Augustine’s Press, 2013).  This is the first English translation of Rahner’s Ignatius speech in more than thirty years and the first time for it to appear as a single volume with annotations.  A key essay among his writings, Rahner had called the Ignatius speech ”a résumé of my theology, in general, and of how I tried to live.”

Another popular work by Annemarie S. Kidder is a collection of Rahner’s sermons, prayers, and essays, titled The Mystical Way in Everyday Life:  Sermons, Prayers, and Essays with a foreword by Karl Cardinal Lehmann (Orbis Books, 2010).  This collection is organized along the liturgical cycle of the church year and contains material written by Rahner largely before and during World War II.  An introduction offers an overview of Rahner’s theology and chronicles the major theological influences shaping his thought.


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